Sunday, July 15, 2012

Arts camp set-up day and the week's details...

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday afternoon! I just got back from my church thats doing set-up for our VBS camp that is all week that my church members created 11 years ago. I am teaching Music 1st grade-4th grade. I am very excited because this is my first year teaching, I have been a shepard for the past 7 years so it will be a nice change. There's about 350+ kids and about 200+ volunteers, my class has 10 kids and so my part of the class that I'm teaching is the craft section. And I'm also doing a music instrument demo on Thursday for when the kids learn about the String instruments that day. Each day the kids learn about different instruments and do different crafts. Then on Friday, we have a showcase or a performance night of all the tracks to present when they learned for that week. Each of the tracks learn something to present on Friday for the showcase, so its a really fun night to see what all the other tracks are doing.

The tracks that are offered are: Music, Drama, Culinary, Dance, Creative craftsmanship, and Visual Arts. So it will be a very busy week, after I teach and the day is over I have to come home, take care of my 5 month old puppy and do school. I have to be up by 6am and I am there at church until 2pm. Some days I'll be there until 4pm to help clean the campus up for the next day at camp.

Its a long week, but I love it because we are sharing about Jesus to kids who either don't go to church or don't know who Jesus is at all. So throughout the week, I'll be trying to blog about each day and show you guys some fun pictures! Well, thats it for now! I'll be blogging again tomorrow and I hope y'all have a great night! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Job News!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Monday morning! I just wanted to share with you the news I just recieved about the receptionist job, I unfortunately didn't get it :( But I know that this job wasn't the one that God wanted me to have, I know there's another job out there that is the perfect fit for me. I am just grateful for the opportunity to have been able to apply for the position.

On a more positive note, the trainer that is training my puppy is coming out today for our first lesson! We put his collar on Friday night and he still is yelping and rolling around on the floor trying to get it off. But he has to wear it for training, so he's got to get used to it. Anyways, thats pretty much what is going on today.

On my other blog Beauty Beat, I'll be posting a tutorial and my June beauty favorites later today, so you can head over to to check that out today. I hope y'all are having a great day and I'll be blgging again soon! :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I am now a College Student-to-be!!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a wonderful Thursday afternoon! I just wanted to share with you some excellent news about College!! I officially will start  junior college classes online at Thomas Edison state college on September 17th 2012!!! I am very excited about this, it will probably take me 3 years to get my Bachelor's degree in Music with them. Then I will transfer out to University of the Pacific to get my Master's degree in Music Therapy. So I'll be in school for a total of 6 years, but its worth it! Anyways, just thought I'd share that I'm officially registered for college!!! :D Have a fabulous day everyone and I'll be blogging again soon! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What goes on at my house....

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Wednesday afternoon! I thought I would show you what myself and my 2 dogs do for the afternoon: I call it Lazy Wednesdays! Lol

I've been doing my homework in my room today and my dogs decided to join me :) My 13 year old German Shepard Ginger is sleeping on the floor and my little 15 week old puppy Jay-Z gets some special treatment by being able to be up on my bed.

Here's a closer look at him :)

He loves what we call his "bobo" and he likes to sleep with it next to him. There are nights when I put him to bed and he drags his bobo into his crate and snuggles with it :) So adorable!

Here's another cute picture of him I just took a few seconds ago:

Anyways, I thought I'd share with y'all what we do on Wednesdays! Or rather what my dogs do while I do homework :) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this and I'll be blogging again soon! Have a great day everyone! :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Job Interview: How it went!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Tuesday afternoon! Most of you know from my recent blog updates that I had a job interview today at a fitness center for the position of desk receptionist. I had the interview at 8am and I have to say it wasn't that bad! I mean, it was my first interview EVER in my life but I wasn't nervous, I just remembered to be myself and smile :) The manager said that she had a couple more people to interview for the job and that she would be letting me know about the position by next week sometime. So that was my interview! I think it went really well. I'm happy with the answers I gave to the questions she had asked. So I know this was short, but I really don't have much to say about it :) But I will let you guys know when she lets me know the details good or bad next week :) Have a great day everyone and I'll be blogging again soon! :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Job News!!!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend! I spent most of my Sunday at church for a meeting for my VBS camp that starts July 16 and goes until July 20th. I am teaching 1st-4th graders in Music!! Super excited about this, it will be my first time teaching a class of 20+ kids! The track leader asked me to do a guitar demo on one of the days, so I'm very excited about that also!

Anyways, onto what this post is about! I got an email from the manager at the fitness center that I applied for the recpetionist job last week and she said I have an interview tomorrow at 8am!! So please pray for me because I haven't actually done an interview before :) But please pray that everything goes well and that they will strongly consider me for the position. I'm hopeful that something good will come out of the interview, but I'm not holding my breath about it. If this is the right job for me right now, God will provide it! Anyways, thats all I know right now. I'll let you know if I get the job as soon as I know more! I hope you have a great day everyone! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Adventures Arising!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Thursday morning! I just wanted to share with you some new and exciting adventures that have recently made an appearance in my life.

First of all, I applied for a job at fitness center as a front desk receptionist on Tuesday. I'm very excited about this job! I should know by next week sometime if I got the position. The shift right now would be the opening shift which is 5am-9am. The manager said that there will be a few dates in July where she will need a fill-in for the morning hours and then a permanent replacement when she goes back to teaching at a school starting August 9th. Its every Thursday starting in August and then here and there possibly in July on Thursdays and also working weekends in August if they need it. Starting in September, she said there would be additional afternoon hours to take if I wanted them, but I wouldn't work both shifts in one day. I would work the morning shift one day, and the closing shift 3pm-8pm another day. Its a pretty easy job, some of the responsibilities are light cleaning and working the cash register. But mainly your there to greet people that come in and answer phones. I hope I am accepted for the job because it would work out perfectly for college classes because I could work around school. She also said I could bring my laptop and do homework, which works out great. The job pays minimum wage, so if I worked every Thursday on the morning shift I'd be making probably around $100 a month. Which works out great for paying for gas for my car and other things. So I'm really hoping I get it! :)

The next thing is a couple months ago I auditioned to be apart of my church's adult worship team. I did my audition back in April and my worship pastor said I needed a little more work on my voice and I needed to come back and re-audition in a couple months. So I've been singing with my church choir and working with a good friend of mine who said she would be my coach. My worship pastor said that I'm more of an Alto range than what I have been singing which is between 1st and 2nd Soprano. So he said to rehearse and sing in the alto section of our church choir and work with my coach, then come back and audition again. What he is trying to do is train me so I can lead a worship service in my alto range, which is great! I've just not sang alot in my alto range, I've been singing 1st and 2nd soprano since I was 11 years old. So I'm supposed to have my re-audition sometime in July I think. So I'm very excited about that! :)

Finally, another brand new thing that has come into my life is my 14 week old puppy! He is such a ball of energy, and so cute! Although, he wakes up incredibly early. This morning he woke me up at 5am! I told my mom he's just testing me for being able to get up for work in the morning! Although, I would have to be up at 4am to get to work by 5am. But nonetheless, its still early when I don't have to get up for work at this time. He keeps me very busy, when he goes in to sleep around 8am-10am I do my school stuff and try to fit in some blogging time before he wakes up. He's still so much fun and if you want to see pictures, I have some in my earlier posts.

Alright, well I think thats it for new adventures in my life at the moment. I'll update y'all on my job situation as soon as I know more and also about my audition. I hope you enjoyed this and I'll be blogging again soon! Have a great day everyone!