Sunday, July 15, 2012

Arts camp set-up day and the week's details...

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday afternoon! I just got back from my church thats doing set-up for our VBS camp that is all week that my church members created 11 years ago. I am teaching Music 1st grade-4th grade. I am very excited because this is my first year teaching, I have been a shepard for the past 7 years so it will be a nice change. There's about 350+ kids and about 200+ volunteers, my class has 10 kids and so my part of the class that I'm teaching is the craft section. And I'm also doing a music instrument demo on Thursday for when the kids learn about the String instruments that day. Each day the kids learn about different instruments and do different crafts. Then on Friday, we have a showcase or a performance night of all the tracks to present when they learned for that week. Each of the tracks learn something to present on Friday for the showcase, so its a really fun night to see what all the other tracks are doing.

The tracks that are offered are: Music, Drama, Culinary, Dance, Creative craftsmanship, and Visual Arts. So it will be a very busy week, after I teach and the day is over I have to come home, take care of my 5 month old puppy and do school. I have to be up by 6am and I am there at church until 2pm. Some days I'll be there until 4pm to help clean the campus up for the next day at camp.

Its a long week, but I love it because we are sharing about Jesus to kids who either don't go to church or don't know who Jesus is at all. So throughout the week, I'll be trying to blog about each day and show you guys some fun pictures! Well, thats it for now! I'll be blogging again tomorrow and I hope y'all have a great night! :)

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