Monday, July 2, 2012

Job News!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Monday morning! I just wanted to share with you the news I just recieved about the receptionist job, I unfortunately didn't get it :( But I know that this job wasn't the one that God wanted me to have, I know there's another job out there that is the perfect fit for me. I am just grateful for the opportunity to have been able to apply for the position.

On a more positive note, the trainer that is training my puppy is coming out today for our first lesson! We put his collar on Friday night and he still is yelping and rolling around on the floor trying to get it off. But he has to wear it for training, so he's got to get used to it. Anyways, thats pretty much what is going on today.

On my other blog Beauty Beat, I'll be posting a tutorial and my June beauty favorites later today, so you can head over to to check that out today. I hope y'all are having a great day and I'll be blgging again soon! :)

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