Monday, July 16, 2012

Arts Camp day 1...

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a fantastic Monday evening! I just wanted to share with you the details from Arts Camp Day 1!!! Arts Camp day 1: Complete! It was a great first day, my kids were really good and the teaching went very well. I am teaching the craft portion of our class so thats really fun and I am playing music for the week in our class as well, which I am SO excited about!!!

As I said in yesterday's post, there's about 350+ kids at the camp total, and so as you can imagine there ALOT of chaos going on. So first thing in the morning (around 7:50am) the volunteers circle up for prayer and last minute instructions for the day, then by around 8am the kids start pouring into the lobby area of the church to sign in to their designated classes. After the kids are all signed in they come sit under these huge balloons that are all different colors to distinguish each track. My track's color is red this year, which is awesome! :) Anyways, after the kids are all inside the main auditorium the worship band starts playing around 8:45am which is called opening session. Then around 9:15am-9:30am, our camp producer teaches the lesson for that day. Then we are dismissed to our classrooms for our lesson that we're teaching. I guess I should tell you guys that our theme this year is called THE TRANSFORMATION GAMES because its one week before the Olympics, we thought it was an appropriate name. Anyways, then after we do our lesson for the day, the kids are dismissed to go home which is around 12:30pm.

Then the volunteers have to go to what is called "debrief" which is basically just going over the day and working out any kinks or problems. Finally, around 1:30pm all of us volunteers are dismissed to go home and rest up for the next day's work.

So that is a little inside scoop of what everyday entails for me and all the rest of the 200+ volunteers. But today went very smoothly for the first day, which I am impressed! So basically my day starts at 5:30am and doesn't stop until roughly 9pm.

Well, thats it for this post! I'll be posting more throughout the week on both blogs, so keep your eye for those! Have a great night everyone! :)

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