Saturday, July 21, 2012

Arts Camp day 5 and showcase...

Hey everyone! Well, Arts Camp 2012 is complete! The last day and the showcase night went very well last night! My music class 1st grade-4th grade kids did a great job with their performance, I am so very proud of them! I didn't get home until about 11:00pm last night because the clean up took the longest to finish. I'm going in today to finish what we didn't get done after the show. I had awesome people helping me during this week, I am so thankful for them I don't know what I would've done without their help!

This week and the 12th year of Arts Camp was awesome! I am bummed its over, but I know there will be next year! :) Well, thats it for this post for today! I have today and tomorrow to rest up before I have to jump back into my regular routine, so I'mgoing to get ready for the day to go back to the church to finish cleaning up from last night. I'll be blogging again soon and I hope y'all have a great day! :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Arts Camp day 4...

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a fantastic Thursday evening! Well Arts Camp day 4 is: complete! Its nearing the end of our VBS camp and its bittersweet. I've absolutely loved teaching this year and I hope to do it again next year! We have one more day left which is tomorrow and although I'll be glad its over so I can get some much needed rest, I am also sad. Its a bummer that I have to wait a whole other year before it comes back around again, but no worries!

Anyways, day 4 went very well. I have to say a huge thank you to my other teachers and my younger teens that are dealing with the kids hands-on, they are all awesome!! :) Its been a great week and I can't wait to do it again next year! I am trying to get rested up for one of the longest days which will be tomorrow because its not only the last day of camp but its also SHOWCASE NIGHT!!! Showcase just means that the kids will present what they learned to their parents and all of us by either putting it on display in the art gallery or actually performing something on the stage for them. Which my kids will be performing what they learned this week as well as the Dance track and Drama track will also be performing what they learned. The Visual Arts track, Creative Craftsmanship track, and Culinary track will be putting what they learned out on display in the art gallery. Performance night is a huge, crazy, chaotic night but its so much fun!!! I'll be at my church from 7:50am to probably somewhere around 11:00pm-possibly 12am. Its a huge deal to clean everything up afterwards, so that takes the longest. But this week is the absolute greatest because this camp is all about sharing the gospel and possibly bringing some kids to a lifetime relationship with Jesus that would've never had if they didn't come to Arts Camp 2012!! I am so humbled and blessed to be working with such amazing staff and crew!!! Lets keep the energy going for one more day people! As my camp co-producer always says every year "Its one week people, one week!!!!" :)

Well, thats it for now!! I'll try and blog tomorrow to tell you all how the performance night went and also how the last day of camp goes! Have a great night everyone! :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Arts Camp day 3...

Hey everyone! Well, I just got home from another AMAZING day at Arts Camp! (if you're just reading my blog posts Arts Camp is a VBS camp that the staff of my church puts on every year) Anyways, today was awesome!! This camp is the most amazing week of my life!! I am so amazed at all the kids today, when my camp producer prayed with them today to ask them if they would.  like to accept Jesus into their lives every child's head was bowed. It was just a really humbling moment because some of these kids don't come from great families or backgrounds and this camp is like the highlight of their day. They love it, so I am just so proud to be working and teaching this year!!! Day 3 of Arts Camp is complete!! Trying to get rested up to do the last 2 days and then do a quick turn around this weekend, and finally I have to jump right back into my normal routine of starting school because I took this week off. I am finishing up my high school classes, I have 20 days left!! So its been a long week of getting up at 5:30am and not going to bed until around 9:00pm, but its all good!!! Hopefully this quick 2 day weekend turn around will let me get sleep to be able to jump back into life full force :)

On another note, starting in September I am returning to my former voice coach!!! I had her as my coach when I was 11 and I had her all the way up until I was 14 then I had to unfortunately quit. But 7 years later, I am returning to her!!! She is the most amazing teacher and more importantly a very dear friend of mine. She will be teaching me piano and voice again :) So I am very excited for that!!!

Well, thats it for now! I'll be posting again tomorrow!! Have a great day everyone!!! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Arts Camp day 2 and Puppy update!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are doing well on this awesome Tuesday afternoon! I have returned home from my church after teaching at Arts Camp! Day 2 is officially done and I am just hanging out trying to catch some rest since I've been up since 5am (which is my puppy's fault, but whose blaming anyone :)) But anyways, day 2 went really awesome! I love watching all the kids when we have worship at the opening and closing session, its so awesome to see all of them praising God along with us!

My students did really well today, I was so impressed!! A young guy whose one of our teachers in the class and a super good friend of mine who I've known for 2 years did a demo of the Harmonica. He is amazing, I had never heard him play it until today and oh my goodness he just rocked it! :) He can play harmonica, electric and acoustic guitar, drums and ukulele! He plays in our regular adult church worship band on a regular basis and he volunteers to play for the youth group band on Sunday nights sometimes. He's just completely awesome! :D Anyways, the day went very well! I feel so blessed to be working with such amazing people and seeing these kids have fun is my greatest joy! :) We are all getting rested up to finish out the last 3 days with a bang! :P

Now onto a puppy update! He is doing extremely well! He is 5 months old and finally wearing his collar without screaming!! I am so excited, after a week of having it on he finally got used to it! Our first training session went very well, so all in all he is just fabulous! Except for the fact that he woke me up at 5am this morning, even though I would've woken up at 5:30am anyways because my alarm went off, but still! A half and hour I could've used to sleep, but oh well! Life is good so far!

Well, thats it for todays post! I'll be posting tomorrow with a fun outfit of the day and some other fun stuff, so keep your eyes out for that! Have a great night everyone! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Arts Camp day 1...

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a fantastic Monday evening! I just wanted to share with you the details from Arts Camp Day 1!!! Arts Camp day 1: Complete! It was a great first day, my kids were really good and the teaching went very well. I am teaching the craft portion of our class so thats really fun and I am playing music for the week in our class as well, which I am SO excited about!!!

As I said in yesterday's post, there's about 350+ kids at the camp total, and so as you can imagine there ALOT of chaos going on. So first thing in the morning (around 7:50am) the volunteers circle up for prayer and last minute instructions for the day, then by around 8am the kids start pouring into the lobby area of the church to sign in to their designated classes. After the kids are all signed in they come sit under these huge balloons that are all different colors to distinguish each track. My track's color is red this year, which is awesome! :) Anyways, after the kids are all inside the main auditorium the worship band starts playing around 8:45am which is called opening session. Then around 9:15am-9:30am, our camp producer teaches the lesson for that day. Then we are dismissed to our classrooms for our lesson that we're teaching. I guess I should tell you guys that our theme this year is called THE TRANSFORMATION GAMES because its one week before the Olympics, we thought it was an appropriate name. Anyways, then after we do our lesson for the day, the kids are dismissed to go home which is around 12:30pm.

Then the volunteers have to go to what is called "debrief" which is basically just going over the day and working out any kinks or problems. Finally, around 1:30pm all of us volunteers are dismissed to go home and rest up for the next day's work.

So that is a little inside scoop of what everyday entails for me and all the rest of the 200+ volunteers. But today went very smoothly for the first day, which I am impressed! So basically my day starts at 5:30am and doesn't stop until roughly 9pm.

Well, thats it for this post! I'll be posting more throughout the week on both blogs, so keep your eye for those! Have a great night everyone! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Arts camp set-up day and the week's details...

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday afternoon! I just got back from my church thats doing set-up for our VBS camp that is all week that my church members created 11 years ago. I am teaching Music 1st grade-4th grade. I am very excited because this is my first year teaching, I have been a shepard for the past 7 years so it will be a nice change. There's about 350+ kids and about 200+ volunteers, my class has 10 kids and so my part of the class that I'm teaching is the craft section. And I'm also doing a music instrument demo on Thursday for when the kids learn about the String instruments that day. Each day the kids learn about different instruments and do different crafts. Then on Friday, we have a showcase or a performance night of all the tracks to present when they learned for that week. Each of the tracks learn something to present on Friday for the showcase, so its a really fun night to see what all the other tracks are doing.

The tracks that are offered are: Music, Drama, Culinary, Dance, Creative craftsmanship, and Visual Arts. So it will be a very busy week, after I teach and the day is over I have to come home, take care of my 5 month old puppy and do school. I have to be up by 6am and I am there at church until 2pm. Some days I'll be there until 4pm to help clean the campus up for the next day at camp.

Its a long week, but I love it because we are sharing about Jesus to kids who either don't go to church or don't know who Jesus is at all. So throughout the week, I'll be trying to blog about each day and show you guys some fun pictures! Well, thats it for now! I'll be blogging again tomorrow and I hope y'all have a great night! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Job News!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Monday morning! I just wanted to share with you the news I just recieved about the receptionist job, I unfortunately didn't get it :( But I know that this job wasn't the one that God wanted me to have, I know there's another job out there that is the perfect fit for me. I am just grateful for the opportunity to have been able to apply for the position.

On a more positive note, the trainer that is training my puppy is coming out today for our first lesson! We put his collar on Friday night and he still is yelping and rolling around on the floor trying to get it off. But he has to wear it for training, so he's got to get used to it. Anyways, thats pretty much what is going on today.

On my other blog Beauty Beat, I'll be posting a tutorial and my June beauty favorites later today, so you can head over to to check that out today. I hope y'all are having a great day and I'll be blgging again soon! :)