Thursday, June 14, 2012

Puppy Update and much more!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having a great Thursday morning! Well, my puppy Jay-Z is 13 weeks old and he doing very well. The only thing is he has to wear a collar for training and he hates it! As soon as we put it on him, he runs all over the house whining and yelping. He rolls around on the floor trying to get it off, I called my trainer to see what I should do and she said just put it on him and don't take it off. Its been 2 days and he still isn't used to it! My trainer said that he will eventually realize that it has to be on him and that he'll eventually forget its even on him. She said when she got her dog, she put the collar on him and he did the same thing but now he doesn't even realize he has it on.

So I guess things will get better....EVENTUALLY! The hard thing is, when he has his collar on he won't go to the bathroom. I guess he thinks that if he moves the collar will bite him :) So it has been a very long 2 days here at my house. I'm very tired because he's been waking up between 5:45am and 6:00am. This morning becasue he wouldn't go to the bathroom last night, my dad woke him up at 4:00am to take him outside, which he FINALLY went to the bathroom after about 10 and a half hours of not going. So I've been up since 4:00am, I went back to sleep for a little while but woke up at 6:45am. So I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. But anyways, thats what has been going on in my house the past couple of days.

Well, thats about it for now! Go check out my other blog because I might be posting an Ulta haul if I go over there today!!! :D Anyways, Have a great day everyone! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My puppy!!!

Hey everyone! I finally got a good picture of my 12 week old puppy, Jay-Z! Here he is:

I went to Petco today and I bought him a new toy. And OMG! He LOVES it!

Its one of those stuffed toys that look like a wiener dog, this one has a lion head on it and he was running back and forth from my hallway into my bedroom for about 20 minutes straight playing with it! :D

Anyways, thats the fun for today! I'll be blogging again soon! :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Addition to the family!!

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to announce that my family has a new addition to my furry clan of animals! I got a puppy on Monday, he is 11 weeks old and he is so cute! He is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix and he keeps me very busy. He is like a little human baby, I only have a certain amount of time to do things I need to do before he gets fussy and he always wants to cuddle and sleep on my lap. I'm training him to be a therapy dog so I can take him into hospitals and see the kids smile. The greatest thing though is he sleeps through the night without a peep out of him the whole night! I put him to bed at 9pm and he sleeps until 6am, so he's doing really well! He hasn't pottied in the house at all since I've had him! :D My other dog likes him and he loves her! He'll follow her around when he's out with her and she is warming up to him. My cat still doesn't like him, but she's getting there. So my furry family grew from having 2 animals to having 3! He's so much fun and running around after him keeps my mind off my medical problems I'm having at the moment. Anyways, thats what has been going on in my life right now. My schooling is winding down for the summer and my last day of high school is August 17th, my 18th birthday is the 22nd and my high school graduation is the 25th! So there's alot of things happening all at once. And this June I'm busy every Saturday except for the 30th, so that should be fun. There's a couple saturdays that I have double events going on, so I'll be extremely busy next month!

So thats what has been happening in my life lately! Have a great night everyone and I'll be blogging again soon! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

College News!!

Hey everyone! So I just got off the phone with the admissions counselor for the online junior college I'll be attending soon, and I have to admit it looks very promising!! I'm so excited!! He said that I could get my BA in music with this jc and then if I wanted to further my education, I could go on to get my MA at University of the Pacific. So very excited about where this is going! I have another phone meeting with him next Monday and I'll keep y'all updated on things as we go. Have a great night everyone! :D

Monday, May 14, 2012

Exciting News!!!!

Hey Everyone! So I have some really exciting news to share with y'all. As you know, I'm a senior in high school and I'm graduating at the end of August 2012!! So in 105 days I'll be graduating!!! And even more exciting in 102 days I'll be 18!!! I'm so excited to start this new chapter in my life!

What is on the agenda for this week: Performing my last show with my teen choir on Saturday night and singing in the church choir on Sunday morning. Tomorrow I'll be working on school for the day and talking on the phone with a Junior College admissions counselor tomorrow evening. Today I worked on school from 8am-5pm with an hour break for lunch. Wednesday I have church choir rehearsal that night, Thursday I have my teen choir rehearsal for the day. And that is pretty much my week!

Another thing I'm so excited about is this my last week of doing American Government!! I'm so excited because I'll never have to look at it again :) If you are new to my blog, welcome!! Also check out and follow my beauty blog:

Have a great night!! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life as of now...

Hey everyone! So my life has been pretty crazy these days. I'm finishing up my senior year of high school and getting ready to graduate in August of this year. I'm so excited to start this new chapter of my life! I'll turn 18 and graduate all in the same month! I've been busy with my beauty blog and I'm so excited about how good its taken off! I'm getting 12 views a day on my posts. I have 4 followers now and its very exciting! I think I'm going to ask my parents for either an Ulta or a Sephora Gift card for my birthday this year! There are some new products that I really want to try out! Anyways, life is going really well! Getting ready to start my choir shows in May. And school is going well. Alright, well thats pretty much it! Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What's been going on in my life...

Hey everyone! Sorry its been so long since I've posted something new on this blog. I've been really busy with my other blog BEAUTY BEAT, which has done EXTREMELY well since I created it a couple months ago.

Ok, onto what has been going on in my life. Well for starters, school has been kicking my butt and since I'm graduating in August this year I need to buckle down and get things done. Things are going well though, pretty easy past couple days just trying to finish up stuff from last week. And I think I finally got it all done! I still have to write a 5-minute speech for my government class and I have to read 2-3 non juvenile books on avian creatures for Biology today. But I think its pretty doable. My grandma is coming in from Yuba City today to say a quick "hi" before she goes back to Oregon. So that will be fun getting to see her. And I'm tired today because right about 9:30pm lasr night,  a good guy friend of mine texted me and so we ended up texting until about 10pm. And then I of course had trouble getting to sleep. Oh, and to top it all off I woke up at 6:15AM this morning! So I've been up since then doing school work and I just finished, so I thought I'd do some blogging!

Well, I hope y'all have a great day and I'll try and post more on here, but I just am keeping busy with my beauty blog. So I don't know how much posting I'll be doing on this blog, but in the meantime can you guys please go check out BEAUTY BEAT if you haven't done so already? It would mean so much to me! Thanks and have a wonderful day! :)