Thursday, November 29, 2012

FINALLY a College Student!!

Hey everyone!! I wanted to share some really exciting news with y'all!! I graduated high school FINALLY!!!! :D After I came home from the hospital in September and recovered from surgery, I started back to my school stuff. I was bummed because I only had about a month left of stuff to do right before I was told I was sick and I was admitted into the hospital for a month. But alas, I got everything done! I completed everything 2 days before Thanksgiving and an added bonus, I have a month off before school starts!! I start classes January 2nd and my graduation party is December 15th! I'm studying to be a Music Therapist and a high school music teacher, along with training my 8 month old puppy to be a therapy dog.

So I am so excited to start college and another kind of exciting yet scary thing is I am moving next year as well. I never have moved before and I don't like change, so this is a very scary territory for me to be in but I am trusting God to help me through this new phase in my life. There are alot of changes going on within the next year but I am excited about them :)

Well, thats it for this quick post! I just wanted to tell you guys an update on my life and share these exciting new things with you. I hope you all have a great night and I hope you enjoyed this! I'll be blogging again soon! :)

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